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cpadver@mac.com · 0564 967139

€ 9,50


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Carlo Lapucci

Walks Outside the Wall


10,00 €
Editrice Le Balze
12,0 x 17,0 cm
88-7539-082-7 8875390827

Walks Outside the Wall by Carlo Lapucci with twelve landscape paintings by Giulio Brandi

Walks Outside the Wall

Walks Outside the Wall

This little book describes ten itineraries within the reach of everyone’s legs: these walks beyond the walls of Montepulciano follow the trail of the fascinating paintings by an artist whose love for this landscape and countryside, its spells and seductions, was such that he made it the universal theme of his painting. Giulio Brandi has depicted the most intense and mysterious of this land.

Carlo Lapucci accompanies us on our walks telling us the local stories and legends linked to the places we find on the way. Following the paintbrush’s head, his pen travels down the same paths, stopping places, itineraries and considerations that precede and accompany the painting of landscapes.

Disponibile anche in italiano come Camminate fuori le mura

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Editrice Le Balze

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